About Us
CT Domains llc.
Tel: 1(203)-702-3194
Email: info@ctdomains.com
Fairfield County, CT
CTdomains.com is dedicated to boosting the performance power of domains for Connecticut based websites and businesses marketing potential. With the most updated list of available premium “CT” domains and digital services, we make it easy to optimize your current website or create a new site with the perfect domain name.
Why A CT Domain?
CT domain names are nothing new, used by countless reputable websites and businesses throughout Connecticut proving strategic effectiveness and value. In recent years these names have become increasingly popular and can be frequently heard on the radio or seen on television commercials.
- Proven effective.
- Trusted.
- Radio Tested.
- Boost SEO.
Optimizing For Existing Websites
Weather you already own your desired domain or you’re unhappy with the performance of your current one, a CTdomain is a smart investment for optimizing your website.
Many websites have multiple domain addresses all redirecting to the main website for strategic marketing advantages. Domain names are a valuable tool and many times one domain doesn’t always work effectively in every case.
Even though you already own your perfect domain, does that mean it’s perfect?
This is Mr. & Mrs. Williamson’s domain name for their construction company’s website. Even though they secured the perfect domain they wanted, it might not be always ideal.
Main domain- www.williamsonnewconstruction.co
(Williamson’s personal pros)
- Secured exact domain name as the registered business.
- Proudly has the family’s name in it.
- Recognized by friends, family, previous clients.
- Depicts industry profession.
- Its performed at acceptable expectations.
- It’s not a “.com” (confuses and makes it harder for many).
- Moderately long.
- Difficult to read and remember.
- Majority of people searching don’t know the Williamson family or business.
- Hard to be found – Lost in Search page results related to various Williamson names.
- Poor radio test (if you heard it on the radio could you write it down the next day)
- Doesn’t configure well with social media platforms-(@williamsonnewconstruction)
- Lengthy Email address – (info@williamsonnewconstruction.co)
- Visually unattractive on business cards and other media marketing.
(A CT Domain Benefit)
- Short, clear, easy to remember.
- Boost SEO – (Search Engine Optimization)
- Easier to market and advertise.
- List higher in search pages when people search for your services.
- Attracts new traffic and potential clients.
- Radio Test Proven.
- Promotes return visitors, repeat business and word of mouth.
- Recognized & Trusted – CT names are advertised on radio and commercials daily.
- Configures better with social media (@CThousebuilder).
- Clean – looks better on business cards, advertisements, signs, logos and more.
New Websites
Every website starts with the most important aspect: the domain. Choosing and securing the perfect domain name is important. This name will be used on everything from your website to business cards, ads, logos and more. There are many things to consider when trying to determine the ideal doman name:
- Is it available?
- Importance of “.com”
- Find a niche-A unique, subtle way to stand out.
- Express as much as possible while using as little as possible.
- How many words and letters it contains.
- Effectively attract target market.
- The Radio Test (if you heard it on the radio could you write it down the next day).
- Visual appeal- how does it look when its written or typed.
- Strategic name – choose key words within the name likely used in searches.
Owning Multiple Domains
Successful websites typically own more than one domain for a variety of reasons. Its common to buy additional domains related to yours so others don’t claim a similar sounding or looking name. Additional domains are also used for marketing from reaching a target market to using a specific name for strategic promotions. Below are examples of some of the benefits of owning multiple domains:
- Secure similar variations
- Boost SEO
- Optimize Performance
- Social Media
- Email Address
- Ads / Advertising
- Strategic Marketing
Video: Importance Of Keywords In Domains